| 35555612 | Medium Brown |
Ahilya is named after a luxury scarf designer and it's evident as to why that was chosen as that scarf around her neck is an extremely unique look. Mostly she's just called by the name Scarf and there is so much more to her that is unique. She is a rare brown Mont Blanc offspring. He is known mostly for siring white and lights. Mont Blanc was an 8 time champion and was 3 time judges choice. HIs EPDs are outstanding ranking in the top 1% in many categories. Mont Blanc is top 1% in AFD, SDAFD, SF, %>30, MSL, and FW. That has to be a top 1% in WOW, too!
The bottom of Scarf's pedigree includes the great Accoyo Bruxo twice and of course his prolifically famous son MacGyver once. No big deal, MacGyver was only hersire of the year 7 times. Yes, 7 times!! In addition, there is some grey in the bottom of that pedigree that leads me to believe there is a good chance of producing grey if bred to a grey. Overall, we are talking some great Suri genetics.
The one strong asset that Scarf will bring to her offspring is uniformity of fleece. Her standard deviation of average fiber diameter has remained consistent throughout all 3 years of fiber testing thus far. Her SD has been a consistent 4.4 microns even as she has matured and the AFD has risen. At age 1 she had an AFD of 20.4 and she currently has at age 3 years a 26.6 micron AFD. That current AFD is not great, and it's not bad either considering she's a darker Suri alpaca. Another strong indication of the uniformity of her fleece is the remarkably low coefficient of variation of 16.6%. She has a narrow spread of fiber microns in her fleece.
Ahilya had her first cria on 9/19/2018 and it is a beautiful beige male. The boy was sired by Whistling Pines Ranch’s herdsire WPR Charley Waite. It looks like the combining of Mont Blanc genetics with Crown Prince genetics has produced a good one. Ahilya has a good amount of grey in the bottom of her pedigree.